The parish council set up a Review Group for the NDP in 2020 and undertook a Regulation 14 Consultation on the draft Review Plan, before submitting it for Regulation 16 Consultation. As can be seen below the process cannot proceed. As Herefordshire Council now has a 5 year housing land supply which means the adopted 2016 NDP has full weight, the PC decided to formally withdraw the Review Plan.
The Regulation 16 documents below have been submitted to Herefordshire Council for Regulation 16 Consultation.
However the following Statement was received by the parish council on Tuesday 2 March River_Lugg_Position_Paper. The result of this Statement is that the NDP process is now on hold and unable to progress to Regulation 16, Examination and Referendum at the present time. Given that this delay will be months if not considerably longer, the Parish Council has decided that the parish will have had enough extra planning applications approved that it will have to restart the NDP process with another Call for Sites and Regulation 14 before a new submission for Regulation 16 can be made.
Marden Neighbourhood Plan Regulation16 submission
Marden Consultation Statement February 2021
Marden Basic Conditions Statement February 2021 v1
Modification Statement for Review Submission of Marden NDP
Due to an error by the site assessor, all site assessments were reviewed following the Regulation 14 Consultation and the report is here. Review of site assessment report 01.02.2021
Regulation 14 Consultation
The relevant documents for the Consultation are available here.
Final Marden Neighbourhood Plan for Regulation 14
Modification Statement for Review Draft of Marden NDP
Regulation 14 Representation Form 30.11.20-15.1.21
Fillable Regulation 14 Representation Form 30.11.20-15.1.20
The results of the Informal Consultation, including the comments submitted and the response to the comments made, are available here Results of Community Consultation of new sites for allocation, Vision, Objectives, amended and new policies
The Consultation Document is available here, as is the original Site Assessment Report and Site Scoring. However, these have been superseded.
Informal Community Consultation of new sites for allocation, Vision, Objectives, amended and new policies
Site assessment report September 2020
Site scoring
Due to an error by the independent assessor, the Site Assessment Report and Site Scoring were revised as shown below.
Site assessment report revised 29th September 2020
Site scoring revised 29 Sept 2020
Neighbourhood planning has allowed parish councils to make law for the first time and therefore it is very important. In Herefordshire it is only parish and town councils that can produce a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP). The NDP cannot conflict with either national planning policy or Herefordshire Council’s Core Strategy adopted in 2015. However, the NDP allows local people to define where and what type of development they want to see in their parish up to 2031. The process of writing a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for the parish starts with designation of the area which the plan is to be written for. In Marden this is the whole of the parish.
The decision to undertake an interim review follows a seminar held in 2019 by Herefordshire Council for parish councils, particularly those with made (adopted) Neighbourhood Development Plans (NDPs). The review process of Herefordshire’s Core Strategy has started and this may mean Marden NDP will need an interim review and then a further review when the new Core Strategy is adopted, which may be 3+ years time.
A summary of the recent seminar and the slides from it are here.
Summary of Parish Council seminar on Neighbourhood Development Plan Review
Parish Council seminar 6 November 2019