Sutton Walls – ‘In The Footsteps of King Ethelbert’ Sponsored Walk

Jane Keating’s Fundraising Appeal – ‘In The Footsteps of King Ethelbert’ Sponsored Walk August 2021

Dear Friend

Please support the Sutton Walls Conservation Group by sponsoring Jane to undertake a four mile walk from St Ethelbert’s Well in Marden and around Sutton Walls twenty five times over twenty five days (100 miles) in August to raise much needed funds for this restoration and conservation project.  Her target is £1,500.

During the pandemic the Group has had to put fundraising plans on hold and now need to raise funds to support future projects – the restoration of the East and West Entrances, the installation of interpretation boards to bring the history of Sutton Walls to life as well as tree management programmes and other measures to ensure the hill fort is removed from the Heritage At Risk Register.  We hope to receive grants this year but have to show we are able to raise funds ourselves and are self-sustainable.  All of our projects are supported by Historic England.  

In 2020 we received a grant from Historic England for an ecological (badger, bat and tree) survey, geophysical surveys and archaeological mapping surveys of the site which are informing our plans for the restoration.

Please support Jane by donating to her Just Giving page or email us on if you would like to make a donation by cheque or BACS.

Just Giving sends your donation straight to Sutton Walls Conservation Group and automatically reclaims Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer, so your donation is worth even more.

Thank you for your support!

Sutton Walls Conservation Group

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