
Parish Council meetings in 2025 will be held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7.30 pm unless otherwise stated.

Future meetings:

The next Ordinary Parish Council meeting will be held on 18th February 2025 at 7:30 in the Community Centre.

Please go to https://www.mardenherefordshire-pc.gov.uk/minutes/ for the agenda of the next meeting.

Meeting minutes are posted on this website but should you require a copy please contact the Clerk by phone or email as shown below.

Details for Parish Clerk (and official address for Marden Parish Council)
Parish Clerk – Richard James
Address – The Beeches, Edwyn Ralph, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR4 4LY
Phone – 01432 683787
Email as before – parish.clerk@mardenherefordshire-pc.gov.uk


Neighbourhood Development Plan Review Group:

The review process for the 2021 to 2041 is currently on hold until such time as Herefordshire Council release their draft plan requirements for rural housing. Please contact the Parish Clerk if you would like to join the Group or attend meetings as a member of public. The adopted (made) NDP currently carries full planning weight.

The Great Collaboration

The Great Collaboration has been launched in Marden, please see the poster below to see how you can make a difference to help Herefordshire move to carbon-zero by 2030.


About the Council

The Marden Parish Council meets monthly, with extra meetings if required for responses to planning applications. The May meeting includes the Annual Parish Council Meeting. The meetings in August and December may be cancelled if not required for planning. All meetings start at 19:30 hours, unless otherwise advertised. All meetings take place in the Community Centre unless otherwise advertised and parishioners are encouraged to attend.

The meetings cover a wide range of topics, ranging from those for which the Council has a statutory duty to an open session, when any observations or suggestions from members of the Parish may be aired. In addition, the public may raise any matter at any time with a Parish Councillor or with the Clerk outside of a regular meeting.

Some examples of the Parish Council’s activities are given below. The Parish Council is responsible for setting the Marden precept which is recovered from parish householders via Herefordshire Council Tax. The Council makes responses to Herefordshire Council on planning applications, based on the impact such applications may have on the community and the local services. It supports various local groups and supports the community by providing funding for the maintenance of the Old Churchyard.

Under the Lengthsman Scheme, the Parish Council directs the contractor to undertake work on the road verges, drains, footpath work and other areas not the responsibility of house owners. This work is funded by the parish council under an Annual Maintenance Plan with Herefordshire Council. The Parish Council liaises regularly with the Balfour Beatty Locality Steward to highlight road repairs needed on the  roads and with Herefordshire Council about resurfacing and major road work, an on-going problem at this time. It also keeps advised of the work of the Environment Agency where local matters are concerned.

The Parish Council may consist of up to 11 members. If you are interested in being Co-opted as a member of the Council in the future, please contact the Parish Clerk. The Ward Councillor attends the Parish Council Meetings, together with the Parish Footpath Officer.